
As a working group of the Swiss Society of Cardiology, we promote the cause of echocardiography and cardiac imaging in a constantly changing world. Our mission is to ensure the best possible working conditions for cardiologists in Switzerland, so that all our patient can be treated based on current science and best professional skills. We are engaged in many areas, such as ensuring continuous education, developing standards, encouraging science and innovation, and advocating for expertise.

The Swiss Working Group for Echocardiography and Cardiac Imaging wants its numerous members to be heard. All members are welcome to participate to our surveys, engage with initiatives, or speak at our general assemby. 


We tweet
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/imagingssc 
New Name: Swiss Cardiac Imaging
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Survey Results
"Swiss Cardiac Imaging" our new name?
, Simon Stämpfli
  • Survey launched for all our members
, de Marchi Stefano
  • New website and admin tool launched by the Working Group
A close collaboration of SGK/SSC and SGUM/SSUM to assure high quality POCUS in Switzerland
, Simon Stämpfli
  • Ultrasound imaging techniques are on the rise. During the last years, many medical disciplines h...
Weiterbildungsprogramm und Schwerpunkte
, de Marchi Stefano
  • Das unter Einbezug der Weiterbildungsstättenleiter komplett revidierte Weiterbildungsprogramm wurde vom SIWF-Vorstand im September 2021 gutgeheissen.
Tadoc Verhandlungen am Laufen
, Simon Köstner
  • Die Tardoc Verhandlungen gestalten sich erwartungsgemäss schwierig.
The very low risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination should not discourage vaccination
, Philip Haaf
  • Position Paper of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (SSC), Working Group of Echocardiography and Cardiac Imaging of the SSC and the Swiss Society of Paediatric Cardiology


2nd Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging
Do 16.05.2024 13:00 - 13:15
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    Cocaine Abuse: An Attack to the Cardiovascular System Prof. Marco Francone, Professor of Radiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milano, Italy

    Top experts in cardiology, radiology, and biomedical engineering deliver state-of-the-art lectures on various cardiovascular diseases and image-guided interventions.

    1 credit per session

28. praktischer Echokardiographiekurs
Sa 08.06.2024 08:30 - 15:30
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    Kleiner Hörsaal Ost, Universitätsspital Zürich, Rämistrasse 100, 8091 Zürich
  • Text

    Geschätzte Damen und Herren,


    Es freut uns, auch dieses Jahr wieder unseren traditionellen «28. praktischen Echokardiographiekurs @USZ» anzubieten.


    Die Fortbildung wird unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. med. Felix Tanner und seinem Team durchgeführt. Da es sich um einen praktischen Kurs mit Patienten handelt, wird die Teilnehmerzahl beschränkt sein (circa 50 Personen).  
    Diese Fortbildung wurde von der SGK akkreditiert und alle Teilnehmer erhalten 6 Credits, Kategorie 1B.


    Alle weiteren Details sowie die Anmeldungsformalitäten finden Sie hier =>  https://www.usz.ch/veranstaltung/28-praktischer-echokardiographiekurs/


    Wir freuen uns Sie bald am USZ begrüssen zu dürfen.






    Team Education

    Clinic for Cardiology

    Universitätsspital Zürich

    Rämistrasse 100

    CH-8091 Zürich


2nd Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging
Do 13.06.2024 13:00 - 13:45
  • Typ
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  • Text

    Imaging in Amyloidosis Prof. Marianna Fontana, Director of the University College London CMR unit at the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK

    Top experts in cardiology, radiology, and biomedical engineering deliver state-of-the-art lectures on various cardiovascular diseases and image-guided interventions.

    1 credit per session

2nd Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging
Do 04.07.2024 17:00 - 17:45
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  • Text

    How artificial intelligence changes cardiac imaging Prof. Matthias Friedrich, Professor of Medicine, Departments of Cardiology and Diagnostic Radiology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

    Top experts in cardiology, radiology, and biomedical engineering deliver state-of-the-art lectures on various cardiovascular diseases and image-guided interventions.

    1 credit per session

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